1. Payroll Manager
- 201 File Entry – Pre requisite to Human Resources System
- Department Entry
- Payroll Period Entry
- Employee Schedules Entry
- Position Entry
- Company Entry Users/Password Entry
- Users Access Rights Entry
- SSS Table
- PhilHealth Table
- WithHolding Tax Table
2. Data Entry
- Daily Time Record (DTR)
- Holiday Entry
- Company Information Entry
- Deduction Entry
- Payroll History Manual Entry
- Other Income Entry
3.Report Generation
- Payroll Register
- Payslip
- Payroll History
- Monthly Contribution/Loans/Taxes/Cash Advances/Deductions/Income
4. Payroll Processing. Synchronized all information to generate payroll register, pay slip.
5. Support Biometrics Fingerprint Scanner. Any biometrics available will be customize to meet your needs.
6. Can process payroll such as.
- Daily Payroll
- Weekly Payroll
- 1st Period (15th Day of the Month)
- 2nd Period (30th Day of the Month)
- Monthly Payroll
7. If you have an existing payroll register information, we can encode manually in the system then process all data for government report such as:
Print/Preview Monthly Contributions such as SSS, HDMF, PhilHealth, WithHolding Tax, SSS Loan, HDMF Loan, Cash Advances etc for each employee.
8. Can handle manual daily time record monitoring or using biometric scanner then process it for payroll register and payslip.
9. Can re-print payroll history for verification and evaluation.
10. Generation of Monthly Contribution Summary
- Cash Advance
- Attendance Summary
- Late/Under time/Absences Summary
- Overtime Summary
- Leave credits verification